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Zapier Alternative in WordPress
Unlimited Task

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Drag & Drop Visual Flow Builder

An Advanced Workflow Automation Alternative to Zapier In WordPress

No more recurring pay for tasks, WorkFlows & Steps. Experience the most advanced workflow automation tool inside WordPress. With Bit Flows, send data from one platform to multiple platforms using our easy-to-use drag-and-drop automation builder.
  • Unlimited Task
  • Unlimited Workflows
  • Unlimited Steps
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Empowering Users with Limitless Automation and Unbeatable Value

Unlike other tools like SureTrigger, Wpfusion, This WordPress Automation Plugin offers unlimited workflows, multi-step automation, and access to all features without hidden fees. We’re here to give you the most affordable, powerful, and flexible workflow automation solution.
Unlimited Tasks
With Bit Flows, you’re free from task limits. Run as many workflows as your business needs, without worrying about exhausting quotas.
Unbeaten Pricing Plans
Say goodbye to overpriced tools. Bit Flows offers advanced automation at a fraction of the cost, making it the most cost-effective solution for WordPress users and businesses.
Unlimited Workflows
No workflow restrictions- automate anything from e-commerce procedures to CRM changes. Bit Flows provides automation flexibility.
Powerful Tools for Customization
Build workflows tailored to your needs with tools like conditional logic, router, and iterator, ensuring smarter automation and greater efficiency for every use case.
Multi-Step Workflows for Everyone
No need for expensive upgrades-Bit Flows lets all users develop multi-step workflows, so you can automate complex operations without expensive upgrades.
Free Trial on
Try Bit Flows risk-free on our testing server and experience the power of no-code automation without commitment.
Access to All Apps and Features
Bit Flows doesn’t lock integrations or features behind premium tiers. From CRM tools to email marketing platforms and beyond, you get access to every integration, no matter your plan.
Outstanding Customer Support
Receive unmatched support from our dedicated team, helping you with setup, troubleshooting, and optimization at every step of your journey

Discover the Power of Bit Flows Dynamic Features

Transform how you automate with Bit Flows limitless integrations, an intuitive drag-and-drop builder, and advanced features like custom triggers and conditional logic. Discover how to create multi-step workflows effortlessly and take your automation to the next level!

Connect unlimited platforms

Integrate with over 100+ platforms like Shopify, WP Forms, Elementor, Google Sheets, Mailchimp and many more.
horizontal integrations list

Drag & Drop Visual Canvas

Create multi-step workflows effortlessly using our intuitive no-code automation canvas.
bit flows route

Most Cost Saving

Advanced workflow automation with unlimited features at a fraction of competitor costs
cost saving

Custom trigger & action

Use custom triggers and actions in your business to automate workflows
custom trigger and action

Powerful logging system

Track every workflow step easily with real-time logs and insights
powerful logging system

Unlimited Flow Execution

Enjoy unlimited workflows, steps, and tasks with Bit Flows. Automate seamlessly without limits.
Unlimited Flow Execution

Bit Flows Supported Tools

Design powerful workflows with tools like Router, Iterator, Delay, Conditions, and Repeater perfect for advanced and multi-step automation.
Bit Flows Supported ToolsBit Flows tools list

Advance conditional logic

Add intelligence to your workflows with advanced conditional logic. Route data dynamically and automate decisions with ease using math, string, and system functions.
Advance conditional logicconditional logic variable popup

Smart Tools to Fast Automations

Explore our features section to uncover the arsenal of tools and capabilities Bit PI offers for seamless project management success.


Direct your data to multiple platforms easily with the Router tool. Perfect for creating complex multi-step workflows and managing tasks across multiple paths with precision.
Bit Flows Router


Make data-driven decisions in your automation workflows with advanced conditional logic tool. Route tasks dynamically based on specific conditions to tailor processes to your needs.
Bit Flows conditions


Schedule Actions for Perfect Timing. Control when your workflows execute with the Delay tool. Set time intervals to run tasks exactly when needed, ensuring smoother, more organized automations.
Bit Flows delay


Break down complex data sets into smaller, manageable parts using the Iterator tool. Ideal for batch processing, inventory management, or looping through datasets effectively.
Bit Flows iterator


Easily handle repetitive actions with the Repeater tool, saving time and automating bulk processes like sending emails or updating records across platforms.
Bit Flows repeater
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